Carbon monoxide alarm donation charity event (Gansu trip)
Source: | Author:Bayroon | Published time: 2020-01-20 | 2408 Views | Share:

In winter, carbon monoxide poisoning has occurred frequently. Using a carbon monoxide alarm is one of the effective methods to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.


In January, Dongguan Bayroon Technology Co., Ltd. and Lanzhou Baihe Charity Organization held a charity donation event for coal stove heating users in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Tianshui City, Gansu Province.


This public welfare activity actively guided everyone to pay more attention to the prevention of carbon monoxide poisoning and practically helped families in need. Bayroon and Bayroon team will be of the stronger sense of responsibility and mission to do a good job on making good-quality products, do a good job in public welfare, and serve the public.


Bayroon is and has been on the road for the public welfare trip ......